About Us

Our Vision

We see a community in which all children and youth are actively encouraged to reach their full potential.

Our Mission

To inspire children and youth to expand their horizons by leveraging funds with trusted partners to provide meaningful adventures.

Who We Are

K.I.D.S. is an outreach ministry of Bend, Oregon’s Trinity Episcopal Church.  Our 501(c)(3) is an all volunteer run organization and all monies received go to serving kids.  

We are partnered with trusted community organizations including:

Our History

Our program began in the summer of 2008 when we sent 12 at-risk children to week-long camps. In 2020 camps were not offered due to the pandemic. So we began providing local enrichment activities to children served by our partner agencies.

In 2022 we served 350 kids–306 children with local enrichment activities and 44 with summer camp. Our goal for 2023 is to provide over 400 children with enrichment activities and to send 60 to summer camp.

There are many more kids. There are many more young lives to enrich.  We firmly believe that kids inspired DO succeed. 

Help us make the inspiration possible!