Your K.I.D.S. dollars at work

One of my COPY girls was never able to play team-sports. Now that she is middle school, she can participate in a girls’ basketball program via Bend Park and Rec. The family qualified for a scholarship and the money from KIDS paid the rest. She starts that program after the New Year and is very excited.

A freshman in high school was behind in math. Behind to the point she was not going to get caught up without some outside help. Her COPY mentor knew a gal that tutored math. The funding from KIDS let us buy 30 hours of math tutoring… AND, that program was willing to work with her at ½ price and we stretchered those dollars and instructional time.

Mom moved from Redmond to Bend. It was great move for her… but it happened the last few weeks of summer. Mom works fulltime in Bend and didn’t have any childcare there. So we used KIDS funding to partner with Bend Park and Rec to buy 2 weeks of summer drop-in programing at the Pavilion. That made it possible for mom to juggle work until the new school year started.